The Murphy Bed Better Than Ever

Folding beds

Murphy beds are back! This common space saver of the early 1900s enjoyed huge popularity in apartments and homes across the nation (as well as the occasional slapstick comedy), but recently has experienced a resurgence in popularity, as technology and building techniques have made the Murphy bed an attractive and durable option, while still being as practical as ever.

Folding beds like Murphy beds offer flexibility and function where space is limited. If your bedroom must also serve double duty as your home office, a Murphy bed will allow you to have a comfortable bed at night while maximizing your office floorspace during the day. Or turn any room into a guest room with one easy motion, providing a full size bed for whomever might stop by. Conversely, the folding wall bed technique can also be applied to office furniture, in what is affectionately known as the Murphy desk.

Many beds can also be found as standalone models, with no installation necessary. These beds offer the classic freedom of a Murphy bed, but with added portability and options for apartment residents.

Wall beds can be securely latched for households with small children, and advanced balance and weighting techniques make operation smoother and easier than ever. And beds can blend in seamlessly with existing walls, so that guests would never know that there was an entire bedroom just waiting to happen! If you need more space, more beds, or simply more options for your home and office, now is a great time to reacquaint yourself with the Murphy bed.

19 responses to “The Murphy Bed Better Than Ever”

  1. But an apartment building that didn’t already have them probably wouldn’t let you install one, would they? That seems like it would be a bit too much…

  2. But an apartment building that didn’t already have them probably wouldn’t let you install one, would they? That seems like it would be a bit too much…

  3. But an apartment building that didn’t already have them probably wouldn’t let you install one, would they? That seems like it would be a bit too much…

  4. But an apartment building that didn’t already have them probably wouldn’t let you install one, would they? That seems like it would be a bit too much…

  5. But an apartment building that didn’t already have them probably wouldn’t let you install one, would they? That seems like it would be a bit too much…

  6. But an apartment building that didn’t already have them probably wouldn’t let you install one, would they? That seems like it would be a bit too much…

  7. But an apartment building that didn’t already have them probably wouldn’t let you install one, would they? That seems like it would be a bit too much…

  8. But an apartment building that didn’t already have them probably wouldn’t let you install one, would they? That seems like it would be a bit too much…

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