With the assistance of the right dentist Salem Oregon residents may be able to get the dental care that they need, when they need it the most. With a cosmetic dentist Salem Oregon residents may be able to learn more about cosmetic dentistry, and how it may be the superior solution to letting your teeth become damaged over time. Whitney Houston wore dentures, which were believed to be the result of years of habitual drug use resulting in tooth decay. By seeing a dentist Salem Oregon residents may be able to address other issues that can cause tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral problems which can lead to pain, discomfort, and embarrassing problems later in life. With the assistance of a dentist Salem Oregon residents may be able to learn about the dental implants Salem Oregon residents may have available, or about other Salem dental procedures which can help to take care of long term or long standing dental conditions the patient may have.
The average toothbrush will have more than 25,000 bristles in 40 groups of tufts, but all of these bristles cannot do much to fix underlying problems that your teeth may have. Take care of your teeth and your general oral care with the assistance of a dentist Salem Oregon residents can trust, and you may be able to get the right care when you need it and how you need it performed. With the dentist Salem OR residents prefer, you may be able to help to reduce the chances of losing teeth as well; 100 years prior, 50 percent or so of adults were toothless by adult age. Thanks to improvements in dental care, and professionals like the dentist Salem Oregon residents may want to visit, that figure has dropped to 10 percent of adults over the age of 65.
Eating foods high in sugar, or drinking more than three glasses of soda a day can increase your chances for tooth decay by 62 percent , along with tooth loss and fillings. With the help of Salem oregon dentists it may be possible to reverse some of this decay, and put yourself on the path toward more regular and more effective dental care for your future. Dental implants, which have a success rate of 98 percent and can last a lifetime with proper care, may also be available to those who want to restore their smile.