Content management association AIIM conducted a survey using the responses of over eight hundred and eighty companies. The results of this survey, which were released in February, show that the majority of these businesses still believe that paper documentation is needed for legal reasons. However, in an age where technology is very prevalent, paper documents are not needed as long as copies of necessary files are handy. As such, many businesses have decided to begin filing documents through electronic digital filing systems and through the internet. As such, the popularity of office equipment such as portable scanners has grown throughout the last few years. Portable scanner examples include laptop scanners, as well as business card reader options. How can a business card scanner assist business professionals in keeping a more organized work atmosphere?
Utilizing a digital filing system and implements such as a business card scanner can allow for the consolidation and backup of hard copy receipts, business cards, documents, and other necessary paperwork. As such, this means that far less physical office space will be necessary in order to successfully and efficiently store these types of documents. As such, if your business purchases a business card scanner and begins using a digital filing system, you may be able to save on office rental space by choosing a smaller office, as well as less staff to handle the filing and organization of these types of business documents used with a business card scanner. Business files that are stored online, such as within cloud based systems, can be accessed from anywhere. As such, it eliminates the need for an employee to have physical access to these types of files.
Choosing a business card reader and subsequent digital filing system can also help you to greatly reduce your business costs overall. According to studies by the International Data Corporation, more than ninety percent of business related information is kept on paper, and the average employee prints out over forty sheets of paper per day. In addition, information provided by Price Waterhouse Cooper shows that the average business makes nearly twenty copies of each document, spends twenty dollars in labor to file each document, spends over one hundred dollars in labor searching for an individual misfiled document, loses one document out of every twenty, and spends over twenty four hours recreating each document that has been misplaced or misfiled.
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