Did you know that 11.5% of Americans, which is more than 25 million people, have smoked marijuana in the past year? Not only that, but according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Heath conducted in 2009, there were 28.5 million Americans age 12 and older who had abused marijuana at least once in the year prior. That’s not to say all of these people are marijuana addicts, but there is the potential that they could wind up dependent on the drug.
Marijuana is a pervasive problem that results in about $10 billion of taxpayers’ money spent on marijuana prohibition costs, and leads to more than 853,000 arrests per year. This pervading issue is partly because cannabis plants can grow in nearly any ecosystem and can average about one to two inches of growth per day, growing up to as high as 18 feet. The fact that its so easy to obtain is just one factor to its problematic nature. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that it’s “the most common illicit drug used in the United States. After a period of decline in the last decade, its use has generally increased among young people since 2007, corresponding to a diminishing perception of the drug’s risks.”
This diminishing risk perception is not only one of the biggest reasons its popular, but it’s also one of the most hazardous problems, because people can, in fact, get addicted. A Duke University study of 496 adult marijuana users who tried quitting found that an overwhelming majority, a solid 95.5% experienced at least one withdrawal symptom, whilst nearly half, 43.1% experienced multiple marijuana withdrawal symptoms.
According to Marijuana Anonymous, a marijuana recovery resource, there are several different marijuana withdrawal symptoms, the most common of which is insomnia. Of these marijuana withdrawal symptoms, they write, “Emotional jags are very common, with emotions bouncing back and forth between depression, anger, and euphoria. Occasionally experienced is a feeling of fear or anxiety, a loss of the sense of humor, decreased sex drive, or increased sex drive.”
Thankfully, these marijuana withdrawal symptoms fade away after about three months of clean living. There are other little things one can do to help aid the detoxing process. The elimination of caffeine and fatty foods from a diet, drinking lots of clear fluids and cranberry juice, and exercise can help reduce the struggle of dealing with marijuana withdrawal symptoms.
Marijuana dependence is no joke. These marijuana withdrawal symptoms are real and can disrupt your life. If you have any questions about marijuana withdrawal symptoms or how to deal with them, feel free to ask in the comments.