Author: admin

  • Why is Employee Retention Important?

    Have you ever heard the term but often wondered, “what is employee retention?” Employee retention is a concept of great concern to many different businesses who are looking to have an experienced, productive work force. If you are looking to define employee retention, you can say that it is the percentage of employees who stay…

  • Learn the Role of the Bed Headboard

    To be quite literal, the bed headboard is a board that is fixed at the head of the bed. Its function is to focus the attention in the room on the bed, defining the bed as the main piece of furniture within the room. Think of the bed headboard as the mantelpiece above the fireplace.…

  • Three Tips for Ensuring Your Dog has a Healthy Diet

    Did you know that in ancient China and Japan, Japanese Chins and Pekingese dogs were of such importance that they were often given their own servants, and given as gifts to other royalty? Today, most of us do not go so far as hiring servants for our pets, but we do care for them a…