Finding a good Riverview dermatology clinic can be quite difficult even for something as simple as acne. Many parents for example complain that their dermatologist have failed to solve the acne problem of their teenager or the recurring rash in their baby. This is because there are so many cosmetic dermatologists around and not all of them have the right qualification and experience. So here are some tips on how you can find a good Riverview dermatology practice.
The first thing that you should look for when trying to find a good Riverview dermatology clinic is the qualification of the dermatologist. In this, you have to know that there are basically two types of dermatologist, the cosmetic dermatologist and the dermatologic surgeon. The dermatologic surgeon is certified to perform skin surgery, such as cancer. The cosmetic dermatologist on the other hand is also a doctor but has less training or education. If you can find a Riverview dermatology practice with a dermatologic surgeon, generally you can expect to have better chance of getting better treatment for whatever condition or skin problem you may have even though you may not require surgery.
Second, as there are so many Riverview dermatology practices today, it is important to make sure that the Riverview dermatology clinic has a board certified dermatologist. This means that you are going into a real medical clinic. It is also important to be seen by a board certified dermatologist and not just someone who has obtained a degree in dermatology. In this case, it means that you are being seen by a doctor. To make sure that the dermatologist is board certified, you can check with the American Board of Medical Specialist website.
Third, it is best to ask a referral from your family doctor or physician. Even if you just want to have clearer, healthier and more beautiful skin, your family doctor can refer you to a good Riverview dermatology clinic. On the other hand, if you have a skin problem, for all you know, it may not be serious and may require simple treatment which your doctor can easily treat. And if the problem is serious, your family doctor can also determine whether you should see a dermatology surgeon or not. He also knows the best doctor to refer you to and would less likely refer you to someone who do not have enough experience and not board certified.
Fourth, if you require a dermatologist for your children, it is best to find a Riverview dermatology practice that handles cases on children because it has expertise in skin conditions in children. Moreover, it knows how to deal with children. The visit to the dermatologist will therefore less stressing for you and your child. You should therefore ask if they have handled cases on children or if they only see adult patients.