Did you know that about 80% of women wear the wrong bra size? It’s true. The first bra was patented in 1914 as an option to corsets. However, corsets did not go completely out of style until the First World War. This was mostly due to their inconvenience and the War Industries Board requesting that women stop wearing them in an effort to free up more metal for the war effort. Although the average american woman spots a 36C bra size, much of the female american population has no clue as to what the true size of their breasts are. However, this lack of knowledge has not effected the desire for thousands of American women to improve the size, shape or proportion of their breasts through the benefits of breast augmentation.
Breast augmentation is a type of breast plastic surgery that is generally considered elective surgery and therefore not covered by insurance plans. But is not stopping women from getting a breast augmentation procedure, either. In 2012, U.S. plastic surgery statistics showed that breast augmentation was the most popular among plastic surgery procedures, accounting for over 330 thousand procedures in that year alone. Of these breast plastic surgery procedures, 72% of patients chose silicone gel breast implants and 28% selected implants filled with saline. The best types of breast augmentation procedures for you can be decided upon after consulting with an augmentation surgeon.
Even the FDA is getting in on this trend. The FDA provides approval for specific models of silicone or saline breast implants manufactured by Allergan, Mentor, and Sientra. No other implants made by the same companies or by other companies have been approved by the FDA. An interesting implant currently in the FDA approval process is the Ideal Implant. The Ideal Implant was created by a plastic surgeon. This saline implant contains internal chambers, allowing the salt water inside the implant to flow more evenly with movement. This technology appears to decrease the wrinkling and rippling that is the major complaint among women who have the current saline implants available. Many expert plastic surgeons claim the Ideal Implant looks and feels like a silicone implant, despite it being filled with saline.
So how much does breast augmentation cost? Unfortunately, it is difficult to place an average price on breast plastic surgery. Most procedures can vary significantly depending on the geographic region the cosmetic surgeon is located in, their operating costs, and the type of breast augmentation procedure you decide on. If you are considering improving your breasts through a cosmetic surgery, it is best that you research the plastic surgeons in your location by using online directories to read patient and professional reviews of available cosmetic surgeons.
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