What are Bail Bonds? – Insurance Business News

If they don’t return to court, money is paid. Bail bonds let that defendant stay in custody as they await the verdict. Bail must not be insufficient and must be sufficient for the defendant to be convinced not to miss a trials. Inability to show up for court date will lead to being issued an arrest warrant. The warrant will not allow any reason that could be considered a valid excuse to miss the trial, such as injury or misunderstanding. The judge will retain the amount of bail if it is determined that the reason for not attending is valid.

A bail officer transfers a fee that is not refundable to the defendant . A bail agent also has the ability to arrest their client by way of appearing in court should they want to stay out. If the defendant is found guilty, all cash will be returned to the bailiff (the person who placed the bond). If the defendant has put up an own cash security then the court is able to claim any charges or fines assessed during trial before returning the money.


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